Psychological Assessment

***Our assessment services are currently on hold until further notice***

At the Aggie Health & Wellness Center, we offer students the opportunity to receive low-cost psychological testing in regards to concerns related to Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Students may be required to attend individual counseling prior to receiving an ADHD assessment. Students interested in testing, will receive a comprehensive battery of psychometric tests provided by licensed psychologists or pre-doctoral psychology interns under the supervision of a licensed psychologist with expertise with psychological assessment.

Students struggle with academic success for a variety of reasons, and sometimes assessments reveal students do not have ADHD. However, feedback from the comprehensive assessment will often provide information to improve function or compensate for weaknesses even when a diagnosis is not appropriate. Results may also help the student understand other concerns, such as substance use, anxiety, depression and personality issues.


Psychological Testing for ADHD:

Students struggle with academic success for a variety of reasons, and sometimes assessments reveal students do not have ADHD. However, feedback from the comprehensive assessment will often provide information to improve function and capitalize on strengths even when an ADHD diagnosis is not appropriate. Results may also help the student understand other concerns such as substance use, anxiety, depression and personality issues.

At the Aggie Health & Wellness Center, we offer students the opportunity to receive low-cost psychological testing in regards to concerns related to Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Students interested in testing will receive a comprehensive battery of psychometric tests provided by one of our counseling staff members under the supervision of a licensed psychologist with expertise with psychological assessment.

Medication Management for ADHD

Students who are interested in prescriptions of stimulant medications will only be eligible if the student meets the following criteria:

  • The student provides sufficient and comprehensive documentation of a prior ADHD diagnosis.

Students who do not meet this criteria may be eligible to receive ADHD testing at the AHWC if referred by a healthcare provider.  

Am I a good candidate for ADHD testing?

In order for a student to be properly diagnosed with ADHD, they must meet a specific set of diagnostic criteria and be able to fulfill the following requirements:

  • A persistent pattern of inattention and/or hyperactivity-impulsivity that interferes with function or development that must have been present prior to age 12.
  • Several inattentive or hyperactive-impulsive symptoms that are present in two or more settings (e.g., home, school, or work; with friends or relatives; in other activities).
  • Ability for assessors to contact someone who can comment on the student’s juvenile behavior and be willing to take 1-2 psychologist tests either in person, over zoom, or over the phone.

Other assessment opportunities at the AHWC

In addition to ADHD testing, the AHWC also offers a diversity of comprehensive psychometric testing opportunities. If you are interested in testing, please contact the AHWC and we would be happy to answer any questions you have.

  • Diagnostic Clarification
  • Personality Assessment
  • Career Exploration Assessments
  • WPATH Standard of Care Recommendation Letters

How much does testing cost?

We understand that psychological testing in the community can be expensive. As such, the AHWC will be offering subsidized testing rates for all part-and-full time students. 

The cost of psychological testing can vary depending on the type of assessment. As different psychometric tests can vary in their upfront costs, a student will work closely with one of our psychological testers to determine the final cost of testing. Students will initially schedule an initial consultation with one of our psychological assessors who will then determine if testing is appropriate for the student. Upon passing the initial screener, students who agree to continue testing will be expected to pay 50% of the testing fee prior to the first session and the other 50% before the feedback session.

All payments must be paid to the AHWC front desk either in person or over phone. The AHWC accepts all major credit/ debit cards.

What are the Benefits of Psychological Testing?

Psychological assessments—utilizing comprehensive psychometric measures and clinical interviewing—are often underrated and under-utilized elements within mental health care. Clients often comment about the high price of psychological assessments and worry that the clinician is just there to diagnose an individual without providing therapeutic care. However, there also exists a vast amount of positive feedback both from clients, clinicians, and psychiatrists who have found that psychological assessment presents an important tool for overall mental health.

What is a psychological assessment?

Google this question and you will may find an answer like, “A psychological assessment involves the planned use of interviews, objective psychometric tests, and complex personality inventories.” However, a psychological assessment is more than just simple interviewing and plugging-and-chugging data. At AHWC, psychological testing is the combination of focused tests to create a holistic picture of the individual person and answer their questions. Testing incorporation theory, clinical observations and psychometric tests that allow clinicians to see the “whole individual.”


Benefits of Testing: Clarity, Diagnosis, Treatment Plan Clarity

The primary impact of testing is on the individual who was tested. Everyone has questions about themselves. Often clients may ask themselves questions about how they see the world (e.g., “Do I have a learning disorder?” “Why do I get angry so easily?” “What is going on with me?”“Why do I always feel stuck?”). Testing can provide answers to these questions and increase understanding and clarity.


Sometimes clients have tried a plethora of medications and have been in therapy for years but appear to not be progressing. It is in these situations where psychological assessments can help individuals and clinicians identify the challenges preventing forward momentum. Assessments have the power to provide a clear diagnosis and effective treatment recommendations. Assessments are not here to replace therapy, but to add to it; to create a more robust image of the person who comes in every week. Assessments are also beneficial to clinicians who want to gain greater perspective of their client, helping them to be more effective and more efficient in their work.

Treatment Plan

Additionally, testing further informs clinicians on treatment outcomes. For example, testing can help check and challenge a diagnosis, can help create specific treatment-recommendations, and allow doctors to gain a new perspective on their clients. These tests help clarify what intensity of intervention is required, as well as creating a new pathway for treatment. The insights from these assessments help build a collaborative formulation and treatment plan for you and your clinician.


The impact of psychological assessments on your overall health can be an extremely positive experience. These tests can not only bring you and your family insight, but testing is also a powerful tool to help you if you feel “stuck”. Our counselors often hear parents comment on “finding their child again” and children saying how much happier they have been as a result of testing. The benefits of psychological assessments and testing outweigh the costs, both literally and metaphorically.